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In the first episode s prologue, a storybook-like narrative portrays the elder unicorn princess (on the left) and her younger sister. The elder sister is later named. TheDarkestFallingStar is a fanfiction author that has written 47 stories for Twilight, Misc. Books, True Blood, Sherlock, Star Trek: 2009, X-Men: The Movie, X-Men. Discord is a male draconequus and former antagonist introduced in the season two premiere. Princess Celestia explains that Discord is the spirit of chaos and. A Cheryl Blossom / Gordon Ramsay Showdown? Is It My Birthday? What s the Deal with Doug Forcett on The Good Place ? Westworld Season 2, Episode 7: Bernard s New. Tadeo Jones 2. El secreto del Rey Midas Tad the Lost Explorer and the Secret of King Midas Welcome to the new schedule page, countdowns below are estimates of when a show airs, normally we add a new episode 30-60 minutes after it aired in some cases it. Steven Universe is a great series, but it s prone to Continuity Lockout for the newcomers, and frankly, some episodes are weaker than others. With that in.
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