Spain Residence by Investment Program

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Spain Residence by Investment Program

Spain is one of the most desirable destinations worldwide and is a highly sought-after location for investors. The country attracts millions of visitors every year with its amazing nature, beautiful beaches, diverse culture, and rich history. For those who wish to reside in this lively country, the Spain Residence by Investment Program is the most efficient way to acquire such status. The Spanish government has allowed for a substantial number of visas for individuals who wish to make a significant, qualified investment into the country that would boost the economy through foreign direct investment.

Most immigration consultants with the “Active” status can offer advice or services. Be careful to not confuse this with “Active- Practice Restricted” as the Spanish Golden visa program has temporarily restricted these licensees from operating. Explore this site to learn more: This may be due to a disciplinary decision or an interim order by the CICC Discipline Committee.

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